Buzz Audio
Buzz Audio QSP-20 Quad Studio Preamplifier

Buzz Audio QSP-20 Quad Studio Preamplifier
Buzz Audio QSP-20 Quad Studio Preamplifier
Four channels of high end microphone and instrument amplification at a very competitive price
Buzz Audio wanted to build a new mic preamplifier that exhibited the qualities of our Class A range but at reduced price to the end user. By packing four preamps into one chassis with one power supply, the per channel cost is significantly reduced. But you won't find any cut corners here, each channel uses two of our Class A amplifiers at the input and a Lundahl* audio transformer at the output. The excellent sound produced by this combination has been well proven in our 500 Series products. If the QSP-20 is the only preamp you may own, we guarantee it will sound great - no matter what you throw at it.
Like most of BUzz's microphone preamplifiers, the Buzz Audio QSP-20 does not use a transformer at the input. Instead we couple direct to the Class A (BE41) amplifier modules with hi-quality WIMA capacitors. This approach presents a much less reactive load to the microphone and allows it breathe better. In other words, the QSP is like an extension to the microphone and this means you can clearly hear the differences between all microphone types and brands. The HI Z - LO Z switch allows you change the load the microphone sees, and this can produce subtle tonal changes depending on the type of microphone.
Another advantage of the direct coupled input is noise - or lack of it. You will discover the QSP has an extremely low noise floor making it useful for low output microphones such as ribbons. The low noise plus the high output headroom results in a preamp with 92dB dynamic range at full gain of 70dB.
In addition to the four mic inputs, you also have four high impedance instrument inputs on the front panel. These inputs can be used for keyboards and instruments with unbalanced pickups. Both the mic and line inputs benefit from the sound of the Lundahl output transformer which exhibits an incredible frequency response right out to 250kHz, whilst adding a subtle amount of harmonic distortion at the lower frequencies. Transients are preserved and the bottom end sounds full making the QSP-20 the perfect choice for all music styles.
- Modern music recording
- Acoustic music recording
- Mobile recording set ups
- Drums!
- The vivid sound of discrete Class A amplifiers in the signal path
- The lush tone of Lundahl audio output transformers
- Up to 70dB of gain
- +28dBu output headroom
- Culmination of 20 years design experience
- Robust chassis construction
- On board linear power supplies - no wall warts
- Easy to use control layouts
- Competitive pricing
STL Pro Audio is an authorised Buzz Audio Dealer.